The Big Picture
A Little Salesman Humor
Famous quotes from out there somewhere...
We have so and so motor shop take a snapshot once a year and go from there……To where?
I’ve been working here 20 years and can almost tell you when something’s failing.
We rebuild everything at the end of each season.
We can’t afford to be down for long, so we have replacements for everything.
We have a huge maintenance crew, their working all the time.
This line has to run 24-7 or we’re out of business.
This overtime is eating us up.
If this plant doesn’t become profitable, they’re going to shut it down.
My job is cost cutting, I just fired a salesman.
If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
So that motor shop snapshot is good for maybe a day or so, and the fellow that’s been there 20 years still hasn’t figured it out. Imagine rebuilding everything each year... why. Replacements and backups for everything... how about back up and increases on bonuses and profits? Why does that maintenance crew have to be so big and work all the time? That 24-7 line, are they in the business of keeping a line running or making product? What causes overtime? How do you propose to make a plant profitable? Firing the sales guy was smart, now there is no need to make anything to sell. And who says it ain’t broke.
When employed properly, Predictive Maintenance Services can address these concerns, improve reliability, reduce overhead, cut costs, and increase worker acceptance and productivity.